How to Activate Chakra Stones
So, you have a beautiful set of chakra stones. Now what? Do not be intimidated. It is so much easier than you think to work with these crystals.

- The left side of your body is your receiving side, you place your crystal in your left hand.
- Close your eyes. Envision a brilliant and warm light shining down from the universe.
- See this light surrounding you and flowing throughout your body as it makes it way to your hand holding the crystal.
- See the energy from the light going into the crystal and state the following, “I dedicate this crystal to ____________.” Now fill in that blank with a positive thought! Set your intention in your mind and focus on that.
- Thank Jesus, God, the Universe, or whomever you choose that fits with your lifestyle.
- Place your crystal down and move onto the next one. Begin again.
- Once each crystal is programed with your intentions, you may leave them in a special place in your home, carry them with you, or meditate with them in the future.
- If there are too many crystals for you to remember what you programmed each one to do, there is no harm in taking notes for yourself! I love making lists!