How to Create Crystal Display Shelf and Altar

When making my own altar, I considered what was important to me, what I was going to use it for, and that it made me feel comfortable/safe. It reflects my journey. That being said, every altar is different & will have different styles.

First, before anything is said, your personal altar, is YOURS.

Your special space that should reflect YOU. So, most importantly, do what feels right to you.

I know that may seem obvious, but the reason I say this is because some may say there is a “correct” way to set up an altar. A lot of people, including myself, feel differently. 

When making my own altar, I followed my instincts and I considered what was important to me, what I was going to use it for, and that it made me feel comfortable/safe. It reflects my journey. That being said, every altar is different & will have different styles.

Some people like their altars to be:

  • Full to the brim
  • Simplistic or modern
  • Natural & full of nature
  • Religious/Spiritual (regardless of which religion)
  • Healing and introspective 
  • or a combination of any of the above and many more!

My personal altar tends to be organized (makes it easier for me to find what I am looking for amongst all of my crystals) and has lots of nature involved. Rocks from various places, crystals, sand, sticks, water, feathers, etc. It reflects my spiritual beliefs and I like to include artwork as well. 

The top shelf of my altar always include two main things. My favorite metaphysical items and the crystals that I am currently working with. Right now, I am working on my third eye chakra so I have crystals on the top shelf to focus on that. In the small shell in the front is Amethyst, Labadorite, Lapis Lazuli, Purple Fluorite, Miriam Stone, Sodalite, & Black Tourmaline. Other items include my favorite geode, Selenite palm stone, Clear Quartz and Amethyst points, my pendulums, and Apophyllite

Oh, and if you have limited space or just want it all compact like I do, getting one of these units that is normally used to fit those square cubby boxes, will change your altar game! Look at all the other items I can display underneath!

It looks like a lot of randomness but there is some rhyme to it. I use shells, glass, and wood bowls to display my crystals on a shelf. I have little Tabasco bottles I used that have water in them from various locations. A meteorite piece I got a the Tucson Gem Show, clusters, worry stones, books, journals, my small singing bowl, rocks, and my chakra shelf.

On my chakra shelf, is my 7 stone set, jewelry, towers, wands, and points. So if I am doing a chakra cleansing, I will grab these items from the shelf to work with. See what I mean? THIS is the exact reason I, personally, need an organized altar. I need to be able to find what I need at any given moment.

I can only fit so many crystals on this shelving unit, so I have all of my other crystals all over the house. On my desk, bedside table, living room tables, kitchen, bathroom, etc. You get the idea.

But another trick is that I theme the areas of my home. If you group together crystals that compliment each other with a certain goal or energy, they will work much better.

For example, the crystals on my desk are ones that help with concentration and focus. Kyanite, Amethyst, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, and Black Tourmaline are in the small shell. I also added a Shungite pyramid that may help with protecting me from the EMF’s created from the computer and screen.

The crystals next to my bed promote rest & relaxation. You get the idea. So if you’d like, take your decorating game to the next level by adding crystals everywhere! Sounds good to me!

Tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with the hashtag #ChakraPalaceAltars to share your altar with us! We would love to see it & help bring inspiration to others.

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Now, get to decorating! You will feel so accomplished once you sit back and relax with your sacred space.


Marissa – Chakra Palace

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